Virtues in Action

By: Bridgette & Ramses

A collection of over 1500 scenarios based on more than 60 virtues that children can use for plays, pictures, videos, stories, poems or ideas for arts and crafts.  The more the scenarios are used the more the child would appreciate the virtue.


The Diamond Mines of Glory Mountain

By: Ramses

Nasim is a youth who is searching for meaning and success in life. She studies and reads about success of ancient cultures. She examines her interests and tries to choose a field of study. She explores global development trends and future possibilities and finally she embarks on a life-changing Inspirational journey.

The format of this play is interactive.


For more information, please contact;



By: Shamil Fattakhov

ZIPoPo is an international movement whose mission is to work for the betterment of humanity by promoting moral leadership through the application of universal human values. ZIPoPo teaches values and skills by understanding and resolving challenging life situations.

© 2012 Arts for Unity